Sunday, 31 January 2016

Week 4 of 52 (aka iphone sicknote week)


Okay, so Marla has had a heavy cold for about a week and Haydy has had the teething snots'n'trots, then mid week Nick came down with the flu and I followed shortly after.  Excuses out the way, the truth is that with us all being unwell, the camera has not been picked up much this week.  My aim was to stay honest with this challenge so this week my photo submissions come courtesy of my camera phone.

Haydy: This is Haydy's Axel Rose impression, yep, the things I do to amuse myself.

Marla:  This was taken on the day that Marla insisted she was "too poorly to go to playgroup", doesn't look too unwell does she?, won't be falling for that one again!  She insisted on wearing her new swimsuit in the bath that night in case you were wondering

Laura x

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Week 3 of 52

Hi again,

It has been very grey and rainy this week but my little bears have to get out and have a run around at least once a day otherwise I pay for it at bedtime.  I took these pictures during a trip to the local park.

This is how my little man likes to swing 


I like catching Marla mid expression, this was actually taken a split second before a 'stop taking my blooming picture' tantrum but it's quite cute nontheless!

Laura x

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Week 2 of 52


It has been a grey and wet January so far.  This is Marla's 'bah, it's rubbish weather again' face as she stares out of her window.  

As a side note, this photo really shows up how grim and mucky our windows are.


This isn't your usual blog kind of image as pacifiers or dummies in my experience still seem to remain a bit of a controversial topic.  However, this is the truest representation of Haydy over this past week.  He has been suffering with the dreaded teething over the last few days and refuses to be separated from either his pacifier or Ewan the sheep for even a second.

Laura x

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Week 1 of 52


My little girl has quite a 'no messing' resting face.


This is a very particular slightly pouty face Haydy pulls when he is concentrating on a game......and yes, sadly I am responsible for that poorly executed fringe cut.

Laura x

Project 52


Okay, so it's been a wee while since I last posted.  As anyone who has littluns or a busy working life knows, it's hard to find time for your own pursuits.

Anyway, excuses over, I have decided to participate in the Project 52 challenge this year and it is my new years resolution to take 1 decent photo of each of my children every week for the whole year.

So let me introduce you to Marla and Haydy. Neither will thank me for this photo but it makes me laugh:

They are both at quite awkward ages to photograph, Marla is nearly 3 and is now very aware of me pointing the camera at her and Haydy is nearly 18 months and likes to run at the camera and jibby jab the lens with his (usually mucky) little fingers.

I won't promise that each weeks offering will be a photographic masterpiece, just an image I think has merit for one reason or another.

Laura x