Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Sorry and hello again

Hello and a happy 2013!

Been a bit quiet of late,  my personal life has been pretty manic lately.

To give you an update, I am heavily pregnant, selling a flat and my husband and I are renovating a house to move into imminently so go go GO!

However, in-between this I have squeezed in a little freelance card illustration work for the lovely Magi Design because as busy as I am I can never resist getting paid to doodle!

So, here is the first one, the task was to make a male birthday card in the style of one of those retro airfix kits- remember, the ones you had to snap off a plastic sheet and glue together?

I had to use masculine icons past and present and here is the result:

The final piece will be cut from balsa wood and will have a coloured insert behind to make the shapes stand out so I am looking forward to seeing what that will look like in the flesh as it were! Maybe I will insert an updated pic when the time comes.

Lots of love,
Laura xXx

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