Monday, 27 March 2017

Week 12 of 52 2017


Back on the whole picking up the camera business again this week, although we are all still full of cold.

Mr Bear:  Really practicing those grumps of late.  It's not easy being two, you know what you want but generally you can't have it.

Hide and Seek: Hides in the same place EVERY time

Lady Bear; Sometimes I have little other option than to just let her go into the gardens and vent her frustrations, sorry neighbours!

Asking for a tattoo is her latest thing, thought I wouldn't have to deal with this till she was least 15!  Her stamp kit will do for now I think!

Bonus sibling shots: Not sure who's crazier

The big silver fan is their favourite toy of late!


Laura x

Monday, 20 March 2017

Week 11 of 52 2017


I didn't manage to get individual shots this week- I was solo parenting whilst Nick was snow boarding and still busy editing Christening photos from a friends child's baptism.  However I did get my camera out during a baking sesh, so here they are.  A backhoe loader is the ideal way to clear up a rice Krsipie spillage don't you know?!

Oh, and here's another way to clear up!

Laura x

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Week 10 of 52 2017


Here week 10 then!:

 Lady bear:Having a sulk

Mr Bear: In savage warrior mode

Bonus sibling shot: When they do cute, they do it with panache!

Laura x

Friday, 3 March 2017

Week 9 of 52 2017


Storm Doris week (terrible name for a storm):

Lady bear:

Mr Bear:

Obvs missing the wind so improvising with the fan

Licking cake crumbs off the counter top- we made fairy cakes

Bonus sibling shot:

Maybe she enjoyed the storm a bit more than he did

Laura xx