Sunday, 27 November 2016

Week 47 of 52


Week of snots and tantrums this week, myself and the bears.

Mr Bear: Grumpy over the playground

Lady Bear: Queen of daft face pulling

Laura x

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Week 46 of 52


Feel like we are on the last days of Autumn at the moment, most of the leaves are now on the ground and getting a bit mushy so I have been on a mission this week to capture the last of the gorgeous colours.

Mr Bear with Nannie:  Three days after I took this photo, that acer had lost all of it's leaves so I'm glad I caught this moment of afternoon sun and Nannie cuddles

Lady bear: Need to up her 'hide and seek' game!

Bonus sibling shot:

Laura x

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Week 45 of 52


We had the paving down our road replaced this week and Mr Bear is soooo happy about the mini digger they used.  We spent A LOT of time at this window watching it:

Lady Bear:  This bunny gets a whole lotta love

Laura x

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Week 44 of 52


Keeping it local this week.

Lady bear:

Chief leaf inspector

Mr Bear: Always seems to find a ball when we go outside- never ours

Trainee Hells Angels

Bonus sibling shot

Laura x