Saturday, 31 December 2016

Week 52 of 52


It's the last week of Project 52, what!!??? I am glad I have completed thisNew Years resolution especially as all my others fell by the wayside!

Here are the last pics of 2016!

Mr Bear:

Boxing Day stroll by the river

Lady Bear:

So that's it, a photo of each bear every week for the whole of 2016.

Bye bye,
Laura x

Friday, 23 December 2016

Week 51 of 52


Ain't nothing happier than a Mr Bear on a tractor!

I can always rely on these two for a cute photo

Double whammy sibling shots this week!

Cake faces- Keeping the fuel levels topped up on a cold foggy walk 

Nearly the end of Project 52 2016!, crazy.  Haven't decided yet whether to set myself the same challenge for 2017.

Laura x

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Week 50 of 52


 Double whammy for Mr Bear:

No good photos of Lady bear this week, we have all had the norovirus twice and she is a grouchy ill person so I didn't push my photography luck with her.  I could have used a picture from the week before but what's the point of that?  I aimed for a genuine project 52 and this was the best I could get for Week 50

Laura x

Monday, 12 December 2016

Week 49 of 52


Been a bit of a rough week with everyone being ill at one stage or another but here are some photos I took during a break in the vomiting!

Mr Bear:

Someone has learned to jump.........both feet at the same time!

Lady Bear: Enjoying a chocolate at sunset

Queen of daft expressions

Laura x

Friday, 2 December 2016

Week 48 of 52


We had a winter wedding to attend this week, the bears first- turns out wedding ceremonies are pretty dull when you are a toddler.

Lady bear: Grandad loving pre ceremony

Mr Bear: Lollipop bribery to be quiet during the ceremony, unfortunately he kept practicing the word 'Lollipop' or rather 'Yollypop' inbetween sucks.

Laura x

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Week 47 of 52


Week of snots and tantrums this week, myself and the bears.

Mr Bear: Grumpy over the playground

Lady Bear: Queen of daft face pulling

Laura x

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Week 46 of 52


Feel like we are on the last days of Autumn at the moment, most of the leaves are now on the ground and getting a bit mushy so I have been on a mission this week to capture the last of the gorgeous colours.

Mr Bear with Nannie:  Three days after I took this photo, that acer had lost all of it's leaves so I'm glad I caught this moment of afternoon sun and Nannie cuddles

Lady bear: Need to up her 'hide and seek' game!

Bonus sibling shot:

Laura x

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Week 45 of 52


We had the paving down our road replaced this week and Mr Bear is soooo happy about the mini digger they used.  We spent A LOT of time at this window watching it:

Lady Bear:  This bunny gets a whole lotta love

Laura x

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Week 44 of 52


Keeping it local this week.

Lady bear:

Chief leaf inspector

Mr Bear: Always seems to find a ball when we go outside- never ours

Trainee Hells Angels

Bonus sibling shot

Laura x

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Week 43 of 52

Mr Bear:  Not really feeling the photoshoot todayand in an ideal world he wouldn't have his doo doo (pacifier) in for pictures but, that's what was happening today and I'm not here to present some rose tinted unreal image of our year:

Lady bear: Her and Daddy, two peas in a pod

Laura x

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Week 42 of 52


Lady bear learned to peddle her brothers trike this week, here is her jump of triumph!

Can't resist those Autumnal shots!

 Mr Bear takes full advantage of the older children who live on our estate. 

Mr totally respects me as a photographer, honest! 

Laura x

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Week 41 of 52

Holiday week this week!

Lady bear: Outdoorsey bear

Mr bear: The joy of a new playground

Laura x

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Week 40 of 52

Wow, how is it week 40 already?!

Bumper lot of pics this week,

Lady bear:  Doing her warrior princess thing

Haydy: Unconvincing tree

Bonus sibling shot: Always happy to play in the mud

Laura x

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Week 39 of 52


Things are turning pretty Autumnal here now

Mr Bear:

Lady Bear: Tree climbing in a princess dress

Bonus sibling shot:  Friday naughty treat in the garden, think lady bear was complaining when I took the photo, hence the slightly pained expression!

Laura x